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Tummy Time is invaluable for helping babies to build the coordination and strength needed to be able to reach developmental milestones such as reaching, playing, rolling over and crawling,

At Home Base Physical Therapy, we achieve tummy time exercises in ways that are fun and engaging for babies while teaching parents and care-givers how to maximize tummy time goals using a variety of methods. 

Call to find out about our upcoming Tummy Time Class schedule.

Tummy Time Class

Tummy Time Class

Tummy Time Class – Babies need time on their tummies to develop strong neck muscles which will help your baby accomplish all of her physical milestones like sitting, crawling, and walking. Your baby will naturally start trying to lift her head to see what is going on around her but she won’t be able to hold her head up for long periods of time until she’s around 3 or 4 months. Eventually your baby will use this position to roll over, scoot, and support herself with her arms.  Tummy time should start the day Baby comes home from the hospital, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Tummy Time Class

Brinda Rathod, PT, MSPT, CLT

Brinda graduated from Saint Joseph’s Univeristy in 2003 in Interdisciplinary Health Services.  She then received her Master’s in Physical Therapy from Thomas Jefferson University in 2005.  Since graduating, she has worked primarily with children and adults with developmental disabilities.  She has pediatric experience in early intervention, outpatient, inpatient, and school settings.  She became a certified lymphedema therapist in 2016 to help people manage their lymphedema with complete decongestive therapy including manual lymph drainage and multi-layer compression bandaging.Â