Foam Rolling the IT Band – Is It Really Worth IT?

Foam rolling is becoming more and more popular and for good reason. A very common area that athletes and weekend warriors alike foam-roll is the dreaded IT Band. There are short and long term benefits of foam rolling including increased flexibility, increased muscle activation and increased function.

The IT band runs along the outside of the thigh, from just above the hip to just below the knee, and is made up of fascia, an elastic connective tissue found throughout the body. IT band “tightness” (decreased hip adduction ROM) can lead to a number of issues including “snapping” at the hip, patellar malalignment, knee pain and hip pain.
Look around at the gym and watch someone’s face in agony as they are rolling the IT Band. Is it really worth all of that pain?! A recent study from IJSPT (The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy) suggests that it may not be worth it at all. If the goal of rolling the ITB is to increase hip adduction flexibility then this study says; Absolutely Not! You will be much better served spending your time rolling the glutes. The study demonstrated a significant 15% improvement in hip adduction after foam rolling the Gluteus Maximus as opposed to only a 2% increase when rolling the ITB. These results make logical sense. The glut max attaches directly into the IT Band. As a result loosening the Gluteus Maximus will in turn allow the IT to become more flexible. So next time you are rolling focus your energy on the glutes, skip the pain of the ITB, and thank me later.

About the Author: Michael DiLella, MSPT, PT, CSCS is a Physical Therapist and Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach. He owns and operates Home Base Physical Therapy in Morristown, NJ.

Reference: The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 13, Number 4 | August 2018 | Pages 652-658