Engineered Athlete

The Engineered Athlete program is a system designed by Physical Therapist, Michael DiLella, MSPT, FMS, CSCS.  It incorporates scientifically proven methods in order to allow athletes achieve their maximum potential.  More importantly it will allow for longevity and staying in the game.  After all, an athlete who cannot compete cannot be the best.

As is the case with most everything in life…balance is key.  Most athletes (if not all) develop muscle imbalances throughout their careers and as they mature.  There are several reasons for this, some of which include, sport specialization, limited time to cross train, training wrong muscle groups in the off season, and sport specific strength imbalances.

In the current landscape of athletics, athletes are specializing in one sport earlier and earlier.  They are focusing on that one sport and sometimes playing or competing all four seasons.   Each sport utilizes specific muscle groupings with emphasis on different groups for different sports.    Athletes often have very limited off seasons (if at all).  During these down times, more often than not, they are participating in training programs that are not designed with their specific sport in mind.  These programs often designed and administered by under qualified personal trainers.
All of the aforementioned factors will lead to an athlete never reaching their full potential, increased risk for injury and possibly even surgery.

The Engineered Athlete program is designed for each specific sport and geared toward correcting the imbalances of muscles leading to common injuries.  Along with corrections of the most common imbalances, each athlete will be evaluated individually to determine any other areas of focus.